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The 30's Wom-Man

  • My best friend and I are two working girls living in Dallas. Yes, Dallas, the land of corporate America, multi-tasking, facades, materialism, and opportunity. Driving out of my apartment to the airport, I thought about the little money I had put away for a rainy day. I was dealing with the IRS on a tax matter that took place in 2000, and I came home to find another letter from the IRS now telling me I owed eleven thousand dollars...  Vangie

  • I had asked my husband to hang up a painting over our fireplace in our bedroom. He gladly accepted the challenge and I came back down to start dinner. About a half hour into my preparation and into my cooking, the banging continued. I lowered the fire on the stove and climbed back up to see what was going on. As I entered the bedroom, I screamed, "Stop!"... Cary

Short quips from "Wom-Man, Sometimes I Just Get Tired of Being the Man!"


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